Not only beauty treatments. There are many myths around plastic surgery. In many social circles, it is considered a whim of wealthy people who do not like the shape of the nose or the size of the bust. In fact, plastic surgery is a branch of medicine that has been thriving in recent years. New plastic surgery clinics are emerging, and interest in the treatments offered is also increasing. Women are mainly interested in plastic surgery. Ladies want to improve their appearance, get rid of inborn or acquired beauty deficiencies. Plastic surgery is not only about improving beauty. The assumption is to help people with acquired or congenital malformations and patients after oncological or burn treatment.
Division of plastic surgery
The goal of plastic surgery is to eliminate congenital or acquired defects, as well as to improve the appearance after oncological treatment, treatment of burns and the effects of accidents. Currently, plastic surgery allows a significant improvement in the appearance of the face in people with birth defects, after burns, cancer, or victims of violence. Plastic hand surgery enables correction of birth defects and replantation of traumatic amputations. Generally, plastic surgery is divided into reconstructive and aesthetic.
Plastic reconstructive surgery
She began plastic surgery with reconstructive surgery. Established after World War I, from the need to help soldiers with serious facial and limb injuries. In the 1930s, the first centers of plastic surgery began to appear in Europe , which emerged as a different field of medicine. cosmetic surgery reconstructive it deals with the restoration of form and function after trauma or surgical resection. This means that its purpose is not to improve the appearance, but to restore the proper function of damaged tissues. The most common operations are performed on people with birth defects, damage caused after an accident or as a result of illness or burns, e.g. breast reconstruction, surgery for congenital facial defects, removal of damage caused by cancer, operations involving the elimination of burn effects.
Aesthetic (cosmetic) surgery
This is the media branch of plastic surgery , covering a huge range of aesthetic treatments. The most popular treatments are associated with improving the appearance of the bust (breast enlargement, reduction or lifting). Liposuction, nose surgery, eyelid correction, abdominoplasty, face lift, removal of birthmarks, warts, lipomas, dilated vessels, excision of excess skin from the shoulders, and removal of scars are very popular among women. Gentlemen often decide to correct gynecomastia (male breasts reminiscent of the size of a woman’s bust). Women are interested in plastic surgerygynecological, especially labia. To the list of frequently performed plastic surgery procedures can be added: treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome and Dupuyteren’s contracture and treatment of finger growths. An increasing number of patients are people undergoing gender correction. Female to male correction requires panhisteretomy (i.e. removal of female genitals) and mastectomy (removal of breasts). A penile prosthesis is also made from the abdominal or clitoral lobe and the scrotum is modeled from the larger labia. In turn, the correction of sex from male to female requires removal of the penis and testicles and modeling the vagina.
The female field of medicine
According to research by the American Society of Aesthetic Surgery, women make up over 90% of people enjoying the benefits of plastic surgery. They are mainly interested in improving the appearance of the bust, abdominoplasty, liposuction and drooping eyelid surgery. In turn, men report to a plastic surgeon to treat gynecomastia, liposuction and drooping eyelid surgery. Men also decided to have abdominoplasty.
The interest of women in plastic surgery results from social pressure requiring flawless appearance and a slim figure from women. In addition, women are more critical about their appearance and are able to sacrifice a lot to achieve their goal. They want to get rid of complexes and feel better in their skin. Getting rid of the troublesome defect improves mood and strengthens self-esteem, has a positive effect on every aspect of the patient’s life.
Plastic surgery is not a branch detached from medicine, on the contrary it is closely related to pediatric surgery, neurosurgery, ENT, ophthalmology, gynecology and orthopedics. Before surgery, you must have all the tests recommended by your doctor to minimize the risk of complications. Before surgery, an anesthesiologist must be consulted to select the appropriate anesthesia. In the case of reconstructive plastic surgery, rehabilitation, longer treatment and consultation with many specialists were necessary. Plastic surgery in many cases allows you to regain fitness and better mood.